Being a leading supplier of chemical products, we always deliver the quality goods for customers. Pasting Gum powder is used for the manufacture of Corrugated Box Manufacturing.
The essential process and raw material used in the manufacture of Pasting Gum Powder as well as Corrugation Gum are the same as applicable in Dextrin. The heating process is playing a major role for this compound. In this context, the heating process of cold changes from high to moderate to sustain the viscosity.
Pasting Gum powder is available in two different Grades. They are passing through ‘Hot Process’ and ‘Cold Process’. In Hot process, the powder has to be cooked with suggested ratio in water up to 800 C to prepare the gum. As per opinion of experts, the hot gum should use for the manufacture of corrugated boxes to get the enhanced strength of boxes.
To reduce the higher operating cost i.e. associated with cost of electricity and time length, chemical engineers have been converted the mechanism of Pasting Gum from Hot process to cold process. This Gum is being prepared by adding caustic solution in the mixture of starch with cold water. Then, it is getting ready in a small period of time. Even the PH value is high in this gum, manufactures preferred the same for fast production and reduction of manufacturing cost.
Pasting Gum Powder is made from raw starch or cooked starch. The Mixer of starch with cold water and caustic solution prepare the gum. Some catalysts are added to increase the strength of boxes.