Maize Starch Powder Dealer Trader & Supplier

Plantation of Maize:

Maize has different planting seasons depending on location and takes an average of 2 to 4 months to reach crop. Maize is usually planted in well-loosed, well-drained soil with fertilizer added to the planting area before planting begins.

Corn starch or maize starch is the starch resulting from the corn (maize) grain. The starch is obtained from the endosperm of the kernel. Corn starch is a common food element, used in thickening sauces or soups, and in making corn syrup and other sugars. It is versatile, easily modified, and finds many uses in industry as adhesives, in paper products, as an anti-sticking agent, and textile manufacturing. It has medical Uses, such as to supply glucose for people with glycogen storage disease.

The Importance of Maize:

ยท Corn Starch: is used as a thickener for liquid food, is the main ingredient in biodegradable plastic, an ingredient that can be used to replace talc in body powder, and is also used by dry cleaners to keep clothes firm.

Glue: you can make a business out of processing corn germ into a component that makes industrial glue stronger. The production of industrial glue using corn gem reduces the cost of production.